Design da identidade visual do evento presencial "Destravando o Impossível, com Ayeza Umpierre" - 07/07/2023 - São Paulo, Brasil.
Durante três dias de imersão, a Ayeza Umpierre, compartilhou as "3 Chaves Essenciais" para que suas alunas pudessem desbloquear seu potencial e compartilhar suas mensagens com o mundo, realizando o sonho de criar o negócio lucrativo que o mundo digital promete.
Nossa equipe teve o desafio de criar a identidade visual completa para esse evento incrível, e mesmo com o tempo limitado que tínhamos para a concepção e produção, conseguimos entregar resultados que não apenas satisfizeram nossa querida cliente Ayeza, mas também encantaram todos os participantes do evento.
Cuidamos de cada detalhe, desde os brindes personalizados até os backdrops que proporcionaram uma atmosfera única ao evento. Criamos também o design para as vinhetas, que marcaram os momentos especiais do evento, e também os criativos para divulgação do mesmo.
Foi um prazer trabalhar neste projeto e ver como a identidade visual que criamos deixou uma marca inesquecível no evento. O "Destravando o Impossível" foi uma experiência inspiradora, e ficamos felizes por ter participado de um momento tão importante como este.
Confira mais sobre o projeto abaixo.
Visual identity design for the face-to-face event "Unlocking the Impossible, with Ayeza Umpierre" - 07/07/2023 - São Paulo, Brazil.
During three days of immersion, Ayeza Umpierre shared the "3 Essential Keys" so that her students could unlock their potential and share their messages with the world, realizing their dream of creating the lucrative business that the digital world promises.
Our team had the challenge of creating the complete visual identity for this incredible event, and even with the limited time we had for design and production, we managed to deliver results that not only satisfied our dear client Ayeza, but also delighted everyone who attended the event.
We took care of every detail, from the personalized gifts to the backdrops that gave the event a unique atmosphere. We also created the design for the vignettes, which marked the special moments of the event, as well as the creatives to publicize it.
It was a pleasure to work on this project and to see how the visual identity we created left an unforgettable mark on the event. Unlocking the Impossible" was an inspiring experience, and we were happy to have been part of such an important moment.
Check out more about the project below.
During three days of immersion, Ayeza Umpierre shared the "3 Essential Keys" so that her students could unlock their potential and share their messages with the world, realizing their dream of creating the lucrative business that the digital world promises.
Our team had the challenge of creating the complete visual identity for this incredible event, and even with the limited time we had for design and production, we managed to deliver results that not only satisfied our dear client Ayeza, but also delighted everyone who attended the event.
We took care of every detail, from the personalized gifts to the backdrops that gave the event a unique atmosphere. We also created the design for the vignettes, which marked the special moments of the event, as well as the creatives to publicize it.
It was a pleasure to work on this project and to see how the visual identity we created left an unforgettable mark on the event. Unlocking the Impossible" was an inspiring experience, and we were happy to have been part of such an important moment.
Check out more about the project below.