Quando a Thays Pacheco, nossa amiga e cliente, nos convidou para criar o projeto de identidade visual do bar, não pensamos duas vezes: tinha que ter um tucano.
Isso porque a ave representa uma história pessoal muito importante para a Thays e, além disso, levamos em consideração os significados do Tucano: agilidade, confiança, destreza, boa sorte, gratidão, reconexão e sociabilidade. Atributos que se encaixaram perfeitamente no projeto e sincronizaram com os principais significados positivos do nome Kefi: entusiasmo, alto astral e frenesi.
A seguir, você confere um pouco do resultado desse projeto minimalista, atemporal e cheio de significados.
Esperamos que goste!
When Thays Pacheco, our friend and client, invited us to create the visual identity project for the bar, we did not think twice: it had to have a toucan.
This is because the bird represents a very important personal history for Thays and, in addition, we took into account the meanings of the Toucan: agility, confidence, dexterity, good luck, gratitude, reconnection, and sociability. Attributes that fit perfectly in the project and synchronized with the main positive meanings of the name Kefi: enthusiasm, high spirits and frenzy.
Below, you can see a bit of the result of this minimalist project, timeless and full of meanings.
We hope you enjoy it!
This is because the bird represents a very important personal history for Thays and, in addition, we took into account the meanings of the Toucan: agility, confidence, dexterity, good luck, gratitude, reconnection, and sociability. Attributes that fit perfectly in the project and synchronized with the main positive meanings of the name Kefi: enthusiasm, high spirits and frenzy.
Below, you can see a bit of the result of this minimalist project, timeless and full of meanings.
We hope you enjoy it!